Belgorod State University “Faculty of Medicine”

| Belgorod State University | BSU


 Belgorod State Medical University
• Belgorod State Medical Academy
• Belgorod State Medical Institute
• Medical University of Belgorod

Belgorod State University is one of the oldest universities of Belgorod and the largest university of the Belgorod region. Belgorod State University was established in 1876 as a pedagogical institute. In 1919 Belgorod Pedagogical Institute was converted into Belgorod Pedagogical Institute and in 1920 — in Belgorod Institute of Education. In 1923, the Belgorod Institute of Education was reorganized into Pedagogical College which in 1939 was converted in Belgorod State Pedagogical Institute. In 1967, the Belgorod State Pedagogical Institute named after MS Olminskogo. In 1994, the Belgorod State Pedagogical Institute named after MS Olminskogo renamed into Belgorod State Pedagogical University named after M. Olminskogo. In July 1996, Belgorod State Pedagogical University named after M. Olminskogo, Faculty of Financial and Economic Institute of the Russian State Committee for Higher Education and the Medical College of Belgorod in Belgorod region became one university which is today known as Belgorod State University. In the national ranking of universities the Belgorod State University holds 37th place among best 100 universities. Today Belgorod State University has 25 thousand students from 85 regions of Russia, 1800 foreign students from 76 countries, 72 institutes and faculty, 2 branches, 98 departments and 74 research centers and laboratories.


• Faculty of Law
• Faculty of Physical Education
• Faculty of Pre-School, Primary And Special Education
• Faculty of History And Philology
• Faculty of Mathematics And Science Education
• Faculty of Foreign Languages
• Faculty of Psychology
• Faculty of Medical
• Faculty of Pediatrics And Medical Business
• Faculty of Dentistry
• Faculty of Pharmacy
• Faculty of Intercultural Communication And International Relations
• Preparatory Faculty
• Faculty of Management
• Faculty of Economics
• Faculty of Business And Service
• Faculty of Engineering Technology And Science
• Faculty of Information Technology And Applied Mathematics
• Faculty of Engineering Physics
• Faculty of Biology And Chemistry
• Faculty of Mining And Environmental Management
• Faculty of Journalism
• Faculty of Social And Theological

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