Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute of Traditional and Non-traditional Medicine

| Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute of Traditional and Non-traditional Medicine | DMIM


Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute of Traditional and Non-traditional Medicine Subordination: Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine Form of ownership: Non-state Year of establishment: 1993


General Medicine – term of studies – 6 years

Dentistry – term of studies – 5 years

Educational level: Specialist

Preparatory faculty for foreign citizens – 10 months – languages courses, biology, physics, chemistry

Languages of teaching: Ukrainian, Russian, English

Form of education: full-time

In Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute of Traditional and Non-traditional Medicine students have the possibility to gain higher medical education according to the state standards as well as thoroughly study methods of traditional and non-traditional medicine, including manual therapy, phytotherapy, aromatherapy, pharmacognosy, homeopathy, reflexotherapy, bioenergoinformatics, iridology, Eastern health-improving systems and others.

Educational and educative process is provided by highly qualified lecturers among whom there are 14 Professors, PhD and 38 Associate Professors.

On graduating from Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute of Traditional and Non-traditional Medicine students obtain the Diploma on Higher Medical Education of State pattern.

The Institute was founded in 1992 as Ukraine’s first  non-state higher medical educational establishment. Its principal purpose is to train highly-qualified specialists who will combine their knowledge of both traditional and non-traditional medicine in practical work.

At present there are 5 faculties at the Institute; we have a staged system of education including the internship, post-graduate training,  the doctorate program.

The teacher’s staff of the Institute is represented by highly qualified  specialists, every fifth of them being a Doctor of Sciences. You have an opportunity to take part in research together with our scientists substantiating the most effective methods of treatment of both classical and folk, non-traditional medicine.

You’ll be provided with proper conditions for mastering foreign languages, going in for sports, attending clubs according to your interests.

Training of medical personnel in the Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute traditional and alternative medicine carried out according to the State standard of medical education ( DSVO ) professional orientation “Medicine” 1101.

The basis of training laid industry standards of medical education:

Educational and professional programs, educational qualification and educational qualification characteristics of specialist training in the specialty 7.110101 “Medicine , 1101 Medical training areas , approved by order of MES of Ukraine of 16 April 2003 N239.

Educational and professional programs, educational qualification and educational qualification characteristics of specialist training in the specialty 7.110106 “Dentistry” 1101 Medical training direction, approved by order of MES of Ukraine dated 28 July 2003 N504.

Curriculum for educational qualification level “expert” qualifications “doctor” in higher educational institutions III – IV level of accreditation Ukraine Approved January 24, 2005 Ministry of Ukraine and approved January 24, 2005 d Department of Higher Education MES .

Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute of Traditional and Alternative Medicine provided legislative and regulatory documents of a public standard of medical education, as well as educational and qualification characteristics, professional educational programs, working curricula, programs of academic disciplines. When organizing the educational process complied relations between major cycles of preparation , the ratio of training time between cycles of training and compliance training content with government requirements , consider the needs of the labor market to training and individual experts.

Curriculum, working curricula specialties composed a form approved by the Ministries of Education and Science and the Ministry of Health and in the prescribed manner consistent with the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine , the Ministry of Health of the CEC and the scientific and methodological center of higher education DESU .

Training of medical personnel in the Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute traditional and alternative medicine in a higher educational institution of the III level of accreditation is carried out in steps undergraduate and postgraduate training in one training, research and production complex Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy , approved by the order of Ministry of Health of Ukraine № 225 of 24.07.1996 z . and the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine , whose members are the Dnepropetrovsk State Medical Academy .

In general, training and methodological support the training of doctors , nurses, and paramedics carried out according to relevant state standard of medical education ( DSVO ) professional orientation “Medicine” 1101. The main objective – providing a structure and content of the training process, which could realize the modern concept of medical education , as well as the reform of higher medical dental education in Ukraine, which includes compliance with a single basic training future doctors (regardless of further profiling ) . Curriculum provides a logical sequence of teaching humanitarian, socio-economic, fundamental and scientific and professionally – oriented disciplines.

Benefits of Medical Education and Dmitrievich NM:

In addition to conducting training curricula according to the state standard by which students acquire skills and abilities of the state standard of medical education , graduates Dmitrievich and minorities can receive additional training in the disciplines of traditional block and non-traditional medicine, particularly with iridology , reflexology , homeopathy, pharmacognosy , herbal – , aromatherapy , apitherapy , manual therapy, different types of massage , biorhythmology and others not covered by the national curriculum (total 1125 hours for students majoring in ” Medicine ” and 675 hours for students majoring in ” Dentistry” ) . Working curricula in these disciplines developed at the Medical University Ukrainian Association of Folk Medicine ( Kiev) and Dmitrievich and HM .

Dnepropetrovsk Medical Institute of Traditional and Alternative Medicine established cross-cutting program integrating basic , professionally oriented and clinical disciplines vertical ( years of schooling ) and horizontal ( various items ) in semesters with the disciplines of alternative medicine for the entire period of study; approved annually by its own list of selected disciplines including discipline distribution of alternative medicine . So, given the specificity Dmitrievich and minorities in the clock that put typical ” curriculum training doctors ” for optional course , students learn : for I know – biorhythmology ; II on course– Bioenergoinformatiku and Pharmacognosy , at the III year – herbal medicine , on – IV course homeopathy ; iridodiagnosis course on V and reflexology ; VI on course specialty ” General Medicine ” – manipulation .

To concretize the curriculum planning for each academic year is working curriculum.

Regulatory disciplines established by the State education standard. Compliance with their names and volume is required for the Institute. Selected disciplines defined institution of higher education, their list is approved by the Academic Council of the Institute.

Guarantee the level of training that will provide conversion and recognition of diplomas issued by the Institut , provided :

– Organization of training in public education, which conceptually correspond to the requirements of domestic and foreign educational institutions;

– Implementation of the learning program promising modern achievements of world science, engineering and technology.

User units of study time student is an academic hour training

day, week, semester , course, year.

Semester – part of instructional time students who complete the final semester control. Duration is determined by semester curriculum.

Training sessions are held at the Institute on a schedule that provides the performance of the curriculum in its entirety.

Working time lecturer at the Institute depends on the volume of its training, teaching , research and institutional responsibilities in the current academic year , which is reflected in his individual work plan .

Education at the Institute carried out on the day (stationary) form.

Securing the practical skills acquired by students during classroom and independent classroom work occurs during manufacturing practices. Total hours of work experience for the 6 years of study at the Medical Faculty of 1296 hours in the dental – 1084 hours.

Students Dmitrievich and HM undergo practical training in accordance with the curriculum of training doctors in the public health institutions of higher education in Ukraine ( specialty ” General Medicine ” according to the order number 70 MPH of Ukraine from 03.04.1996 y ; specialty ” Dentistry” by order of the number 116 MZ of Ukraine from 16.04.1997 ) .

Given the direction and HM Dmitrievich , introduced manufacturing practice (1 week) after 2 terms of medical botany, which is the basis for practice for the study of medicinal plants (Crimea)  study disciplines – Pharmacognosy and additionally held manufacturing practice for traditional and alternative medicine (after X semester ) – 1 week . To conduct manufacturing practices used throughout the program and methodological support manufacturing practices under the provisions of Ministry of Health of Ukraine 2-5 courses for students of universities of III -IV accreditation levels (1998) .

For the production practices and HM Dmitrievich has clinical base in government and non- treatment centers and hospitals in the city and the region, which were signed the agreement on joint medical- advisory work.

Every year there is a conference” The use of traditional and alternative medicine in modern clinic “, where students report back personal experience with practical skills to help patients.

Development of creative abilities of future specialists carried out including through the concept of elite education students.

Education in traditional and alternative medicine Dmitrievich and HM operates in conjunction with the basic educational process and is intended to generate additional, not programmed budget of universities, knowledge in the field of alternative medicine , in-depth individual work with students based on their psycho-physiological characteristics , which certainly , provides for reduction of the number of students in the group. The education system in Dmitrievich and HM provides:

  • practical exercises in small groups, the number of students ;
  • lectures using modern means of training ;
  • conducting workshops and seminars with the participation of leading specialists from CIS countries and abroad ;
  • student participation in performing research – research with subsequent participation in scientific conferences ;
  • participation in international competitions for grants and awards ;
  • training in leading institutions specializing in the CIS and abroad.

In terms of learning to customize Dmitrievich and HM practiced psychophysiological testing of students, which resulted in the formation of study groups held corrective and educational work. Individualization of work with students helps to reduce the number of students in the study group and the teaching load for teachers.

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